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Image by Kaylee Garrett



  • You are a beginner and want to learn correct postures without getting intimidated or feeling nervous by group setting.

  • You want to deepen your practice and work towards specific goals (e.g. balance, stamina )

  • Working on specific issues ( tight heaps, ham string, back bands)

  • you have health issues ( arthritis, depression, insomnia) or injuries ( knee, shoulder, back)

  • You want to develop meditation or yoga practice that you can do at home

  • You want to increase your mental focus.

  • You would like to incorporate yoga in your weight-loss or strength training program.

  • If you are a company and want to improve the quality of presence of your workers also semi private (small group of people) class

With private instructions, you can deepen your practice, increase your confidence, ask questions in a confidential environment and receive personalized guidance and hands-on adjustments designed to your individual needs.

  • Schedule a private or semi-private(Group of family or friends) instruction session.

  • Lesson Location: In-Studio, Off-Site and Skype

  • Schedule a Private or Semi-Private Instruction Session

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